School's History
1952 - Founding of Bartley Secondary School. Formation of 3 Standard 6 classes with 91 students- 81 males and 10 females. First co-education secondary school in Singapore under the stewardship of Mr Chua Leong Hean.
1953 - Formation of school motto ‘Facta Non Verba’ and Crest.
1954 - Full secondary school with 600 pupils in 16 classes.
1955 - Introduction of School Song with lyrics by the Principal, Mr E.W. Jesudason. First of publication of ‘Bartley Annual’ Magazine.
1956 - Transfer of female students to Cedar Girls’ Secondary to start the girls’ school and Bartley became a boys’ school in the secondary section. However, female students were admitted into the Post-Secondary Section (Pre-University level ) which was started in the same year. Formation of the first National Police Cadet Corps Unit- in Singapore.
1956 - David Lim represented Singapore in Water Polo in the Melbourne Olympics in 1956. Another Bartleyan, Janet Jesudasan represented Singapore in athletics.
1956 - David Lim represented Singapore in Water Polo in the Melbourne Olympics in 1956. Another Bartleyan, Janet Jesudasan represented Singapore in athletics.
1976 - The school’s Silver Jubilee in 1976 saw the upgrading of its Science Laboratories as well as the renovation of its tuckshop to create more space for its growing population. This was officially opened by Senior Minister of State for Education, Mr Chai Chong Yii.
1976 - The school’s Silver Jubilee in 1976 saw the upgrading of its Science Laboratories as well as the renovation of its tuckshop to create more space for its growing population. This was officially opened by Senior Minister of State for Education, Mr Chai Chong Yii.
1995 - Another milestone for Bartley was re-admiting of female student into Secondary One after 39 years.
1995 - Another milestone for Bartley was re-admiting of female student into Secondary One after 39 years.
1997 - Official opening of new campus by GOH- Minister of Community Development, Mr Abdullah Tarmugi. Bartley was a pioneering member of the N1 Cluster. Formation of the first Student Council. Introduction of the Bartleyan Creed.
2001 - Most improved school in 2000 GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations. School Hall was air-conditioned.
2002 - Celebrating 50 years of shaping lives and shaping the nation.
2002 - Celebrating 50 years of shaping lives and shaping the nation.
2005 - Official Opening of Centre of Excellence for Innovation and Enterprise (BICE). Achieved People Developer Standard (Spring, Singapore). Attained Thinking Culture Award-Best School (Zone).
2006 - Achieved Character Development Award. Attained Sustained Achievement Award (Uniformed Group).
2006 - Achieved Character Development Award. Attained Sustained Achievement Award (Uniformed Group).
2008 - Introduction of Overseas Service Learning Trip (Cambodia).
2009 - Achieved Sustained Achievement Award (Academic- Value-added for Express). Recognised as achieving Business Excellence Niche Standard (People) by Spring, Singapore.
Overseas Service Learning Trip to India.
2012 - Opening of air-conditioned classrooms for graduating students.Celebrating 60 years of nurturing resilient and responsible Bartleyans.
2015 - Completion of Indoor Sports House (ISH)
2015 - Introduction of Learning for Life Programme
2016 - Introduction of Applied Learning Programme
2016 - Introduction of Applied Learning Programme
2018 - Singapore Guinness Book of Record - Largest National Day Dikir Barat
2019 - Introduction of Mobile Robotics as a subject.